TRICONSULT Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH
Lange Gasse 30
1080 Wien
Tel.: (01) 408 49 31
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Company address
TRICONSULT Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH
Lange Gasse 30
1080 Vienna
Full name and legal form (Firmenwortlaut und Rechtsform?)
TRICONSULT Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH
Company register
Handelsgericht Wien FN 99385f
Business licenses
Markt- und Meinungsforschung
UID ATU 16079909
DVR 0596663
Bank connection
Raiffeisen Bank NÖ – Wien
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IBAN: AT72 3200 0000 1111 0137
Further information
accessible by is an online offer provided by TRICONSULT Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH and informs you about services, products, the company, areas of activity, the range of services, references as well as specific topics and subject areas affected by them. The internet presentation fully fulfills the information requirements according to § 5 Paragraph 1 ECG (E-Commerce Law). If you look for further information, please contact us.
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On our website you can also find links to other internet presentations. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the content presented there and the links to other presentations there, as we cannot influence the content. If, contrary to expectations, inappropriate content is displayed or links are no longer up-to-date, we ask you to inform us immediately.
Project responsibility
Project implementation
Triconsult Wirtschaftsanalytische Forschung GmbH